EST 2010

The MEAS story started in 2010. It began with media and production services focused on bridging the gap between diverse communication channels and creativity.

Little did we know that in over a decade, we have evolved from thinking inside-the-box to thinking outside-the-box.

Today, our experts in all advertising and brand communication disciplines work fluidly to conquer mind over matter and deliver imaginative borderless solutions at the crossroads of talent and capabilities.

We are MEAS and together, we are worth our weight in gold when it comes to delivering game changing solutions for any integrated 360° advertising, branding and marketing campaigns.

Our Vision

To be your competitive advantage, by being the best agency in cambodia.

Our Mission

By being the most dynamic, effective, and relevant agency partner. 

MEAS Competence Sphere

At MEAS we work across different competencies with seamless teams of talented people to achieve our client’s marketing, branding and communication objectives. And at the core of our talent is the MEAS Competence Sphere where meaningful results are shaped from strategic planning where it evolves into imaginative concepts and ideas that become reality… all focused and driven by people and purpose.

Meet The Team

People at the core and heart of our agency that make us what we are today

V Building, 3rd Floor #33, Street 606, Sangkat Boeung Kork II, Khan Toul Kork Phnom Penh