Beyond the Ride Campaign


Over recent years, ride hailing services have evolved in many parts of the world including Cambodia. The competition has heated up as new entrants into the Cambodian market battle for a share of consumer mobility service dollars.


As Cambodia’s first middle to high end app driven travel service platform, LM Car is one of the new entrants competing with popular ride hailing platforms and established service providers such as Grab and Passapp.

To create awareness and increase exposure of the brand to a new category of target audiences as LM Car differentiates itself from other market competitors, MEAS developed a strategy created around an activation campaign driven by selected key opinion leaders (KOLs).


Beyond the Ride

Focusing on the brand’s key strength in providing safe, peace-of-mind travel and flexibility of choice, we pitched the idea of focusing on benefits that LM Car offers “Beyond the Ride”.

Utilizing experiential endorsements from KOLs a series of videos were produced to support on-ground activation activities and social media engagements across multiple digital platforms.

This resulted in an increase in the download of LM Car’s mobile application and usage in the period during and after the campaign.

Digital Video Link:

KOL Promotion Video Link:

KOL Activation Announcement Video Link:

V Building, 3rd Floor #33, Street 606, Sangkat Boeung Kork II, Khan Toul Kork Phnom Penh