Wall’s Joy Activation


Walls faces fierce competition in securing every day snackers in buying Wall’s ice-cream over opposing brands at snacking moments, due to a highly saturated ice-cream market. At the start of 2022, Wall’s decided to extend its brand visibility with plans to engage with customers and audiences in a big way.


Enjoying a treat of ice cream always bring out the inner child in us. It brings us happiness as we indulge in the one thing that connects us to the experience of growing up – and a past that is filled with many memories of fun filled activities and to a small extent perhaps, a little bit of mischief.


Tides of Happiness

The strategy from the onset was to associate happiness enjoyed as a child to the likeness of happiness enjoyed when indulging in a Wall’s ice cream and establish Wall’s as the source that joyful experience.

A hybrid activation campaign was initiated with on-ground activities utilizing 20 paddle carts operating in 17 locations around the city of Phnom Penh. The campaign was amplified and supported by both online and offline channels to create buzz and obtain reaction from audiences.

Overall, the campaign turned out to be a success as our primary objectives of driving consumers and target audiences to point-of-sale and increasing the Wall’s brand recall was met positively.

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V Building, 3rd Floor #33, Street 606, Sangkat Boeung Kork II, Khan Toul Kork Phnom Penh